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goldilocks.gif listen and read the story of Goldilocks and do the activity (british council)5èmesgoldilocks.gif



beanstalk.gif listen and read the story of Jack and the magic beanstalk and do the activity 5èmes(british coucil)beanstalk.gif



britishcouncilred-riding-hood.gif listen and read the story of Red Riding Hood and do the activity (british council ) 5èmesbritishcouncilred-riding-hood.gif




headphones.jpg listen to the following stories: MP3 (britrish council)


cinderella.jpeg Cinderella, read the story (british council)


beanstalk2.jpg Jack and the bean stalk (british council)


piedpiper.jpg Pied-Piper of Hamelin (british council)


pussinboots.jpg Puss in Boots (british council)


rumpelstilskin.jpg Rumpelstiltskin (british coucil)


sleeping_beauty.jpg Sleeping Beauty (british council)


snow_white.jpg Snow White (british council)


potter.jpg learn about beatrix potter and play the game (created by renée maufroid)

storytime.jpg storytime on line , celebrities read stories(http://www.storylineonline.net/)

80days2.jpg Around the world in 80 days by Jules Verne , audio book with questions (travail de renée maufroid)



Date de création : 15/09/2008 @ 21:07
Dernière modification : 20/10/2010 @ 17:39
Catégorie : For fun
Page lue 4756 fois

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