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presidents' day



path_president.jpg listen and read the story of Abraham Lincoln (teacher.scholastic.com)


BANNER-kids-history.jpg learn about every president of the US (whitehouse.gov/kids)


happy_birthday_mr_president.jpg happy birthday Mr President (beaconlearningcenter.com)


eagleflg.gif meet the presidents (www2.lhric.org/pocantico/presidents/presidents1.htm)


pres2.jpg virtual museum about the 2 presidents (score.rims.k12.ca.us/activity/presidentsday/)


 georgewash.jpg learn about george Washington (enchantedlearning.com)

Lincoln.jpg learn about Lincoln (enchnatedlearning.com)


Floppy.gif interactive games,wordsearch...


rushmore4.jpg Mount Rushmore video


us_election.jpg american elections in plain english us_election.jpg and here is the script of the video (http://www.commoncraft.com/)


brain_pop.jpg how a president is elected ,(brainpop.com)


president.jpg everything there is to know to elect a president (www.pocanticohills.org)


homervote.jpg Homer Simpson tries to vote Obama


dontvote.jpg Don't vote! famous artists encourage American youth to register to vote

Date de création : 16/09/2008 @ 16:58
Dernière modification : 07/10/2008 @ 18:38
Catégorie : 4EME - Civilisation
Page lue 2610 fois

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