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elections 2008



us_election.jpg american elections in plain english us_election.jpg and here is the script of the video (http://www.commoncraft.com/)


brain_pop.jpg how a president is elected ,(brainpop.com)


president.jpg everything there is to know to elect a president (www.pocanticohills.org)


homervote.jpg Homer Simpson tries to vote Obama


dontvote.jpg Don't vote! famous artists encourage American youth to register to vote



dontvote2.jpg  don't vote 2

barack.jpg tv ad "real change" for Barack Obama

mccain_ad.jpg Tv ad "love" for John McCain


barack1.jpg "time for campaignin'" funny video about the elections


Floppy.gif crosswords on the elections(cailliaunadaud.free.fr)



question2.jpg who is the 44th American president? click on the question mark

spidermannews.jpg the amazing Spider-Man n°583 special inauguration day (marvel.com)


inaugroute.jpg presidential inaugural route on January 20th

obamaoath.jpg Obama's oath of office (CNN) and do the activity (s.boulinguez)

Date de création : 09/10/2008 @ 19:44
Dernière modification : 26/04/2009 @ 10:17
Catégorie : 4EME - Civilisation
Page lue 2588 fois

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